Компания "Эко-Спектрум"

General Director of Eco-Spectrum LLC, Devletova Oktyabrina Shakirovna


Disposing of waste is one of the most important factors of environmental friendliness of production, and many enterprises are thinking about this problem today. In addition, the right choice of equipment will not only take care of the environment, but also significantly reduce disposal costs and achieve savings in energy resources.

On the Krasnodar market, unique technology units appeared - incinerators, allowing to utilize almost any type of waste and simultaneously receive energy that can be used in small production areas. In Krasnodar, waste utilizers are offered by Eco-Spectrum. This equipment can be used in the timber, woodworking, pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical, as well as food industries, and incinerators are widely used in animal husbandry, public utilities and other areas.

“Equipment for the disposal and thermal destruction of medical waste, expired pharmaceuticals or their counterfeits is very much in demand,” said Oktyabrina Devletova, head of Eco-Spectrum. - Incinerators have a number of different technical characteristics, and depending on the type of waste, one or another dispose technology is used. So, for example, a chamber type incinerator VOLKAN would be ideal for the thermal destruction of biological or solid household waste, and the rotary type HURIKAN would be ideal for oil waste . These two types have a significant difference in the principle of operation and are fundamentally different technical characteristics. "

The maximum amount of energy produced by the Eco-Spectrum inspirator can reach 200 kW / h. It is worth noting that the energy potential of the inspirator for each specific case is calculated individually. It is possible to use the received energy in the hothouse economy, in the heating of the outbuildings, in manufacturing plants for the production of hot water and steam.

Another important positive quality of the incinerator is a quick payback period. The cost of dispose one kilogram of municipal solid waste (municipal solid waste) in this device ranges from 15 to 30 kopecks, respectively, the cost of dispose a ton is 1,500-3,000 rubbles. At the same time, the price of disposal services by a third-party organization on average in Russia ranges from 6,000 to 9,000 rubbles per ton.

Oktyabrina Devletova notes that in addition to the issue of payback, efficiency of utilization, obtaining additional energy for the enterprise, the use of incinerators solves the problem of environmental safety.

Source Electronic publication "Business newspaper. South"