As part of the State program “Development of foreign economic activity”, approved by Decree No. 369 of March 31, 2017 and under the project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia “Priority projects within the framework of the main direction of the strategic development of the Russian Federation“ International cooperation and export ”” in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 488 dated 04.24.2017 the organization Eco-Spectrum LLC took part, along with other Russian manufacturing enterprises, as an Exhibitor and speaker in a foreign congress -Exhibition event of the 20th Exhibition on water treatment technologies, energy technologies and environmental protection "WETEX 2018", which was held from 23 to 25 October 2018 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, the exhibition centre DICEC, Sheikh Zayed Road.
Anyone wishing to visit our booth can contact by phone. +79280424343
Report prepared for this exhibition
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