On 04-06 June, the WasteTech 2019 specialized exhibition on waste management was held in Moscow. Representatives of Eco-Spectrum were also represented at the exhibition.
About the exhibition itself
WasteTech Specialized Exhibition has been held in Moscow since 1999 (this year it celebrated its anniversary). The event itself gathers Russian and foreign companies, as well as numerous visitors twice a year.
This year, WasteTech broke all records, presenting 212 participating companies and gathering over 5,000 visitors in three days of its work.
The exhibition included presentations of modern equipment for waste disposal, innovative solutions that allow to organize the process of assembly, transportation and destruction of unsuitable materials and much more.
Eco-Spectrum at WasteTech
The Russian company-manufacturer of disposal equipment presented new rotary models of incinerators of the HURIKAN (URAGAN) series for the disposal and neutralizing of hazardous waste (Class I-III).
Eco-Spectrum - a well-known Russian manufacturer of specialized devices - incinerators - for the disposal of more than 1,300 types of waste. Any equipment of the company is a modern solution to the problem of accumulation and destruction of garbage, since the principle of the incinerator is the safe and smokeless burning of unsuitable materials.
Also, WasteTech presented its achievements to more than 200 market participants who specialize in the production of equipment and waste management solutions.
WasteTech exhibition was open 3 days - from 4 to 6 June from 10.00 to 18.00 (06.06 - to 17.00).
The venue of the exhibition was:
143402, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road, ul. International, d. 18, stand No F 5, which was located in the 8th hall of the 2nd pavilion of the Crocus Expo