“Employee Health - Company Health”

On March 13, 2020, the general director of the "Eco-Spectrum" production company - Devletova Oktyabrina Shakirovna - held a round table with all employees at which preventive measures needed to maintain the health of the company's team in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were discussed and issued funds individual protection.
Every year, "Eco-Spectrum" company conducts a planned medical examination in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.04.2011 N 302n and Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
The company "Eco-Spectrum" always provides all the conditions for medical examinations - from the provision of premises to the deployment of the complex on the territory of the organization.
As part of the medical examination, attention was paid to the subject of the current state of health the employees. The medical examination was successful. According to the results of a medical examination, a negative state of health was not revealed among the employees of the organization. The company operates as usual.
We wish you all good health!