The incinerator of the Eco-Spectrum company began to operate in the elimination of landfills in the Amur region, as part of the waste reform, which began on April 1, 2019. The waste disposal furnace was located in the village of Goluboy, Svobodnensky district. The state-of-the-art environmentally friendly plant is the first in the region, with an increase in capacity planned under the project
Sergei Makhu, Minister of Natural Resources of the Amur Region, said: “About a year ago, we petitioned the governor to purchase such installations so that, within the framework of a comprehensive program, not to transport waste from one place to another, but to destroy garbage on site. Vasily Aleksandrovich Orlov supported us, as a result, the State Budgetary Institution "Ecology", which deals with the elimination of landfills, acquired the first incinerator. Fighting landfills is a long-term process ”.
It should be noted that Russia has just recently started using incinerator complexes for waste disposal. The incinerators of the Eco-Spectrum company are environmentally friendly and have the conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise.
The head of the GBU Vasily Ofitserov noted that there are many landfills on the territory of the Amur region, which are called historically formed. They rot and damage the environment. It is planned to carry incinerators on the territory of settlements to eliminate these dumps. The undoubted plus of the devices is their high environmental friendliness. No harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere as a result of combustion.
Based on materials from "ASN24" dated July 30, 19:45 (www.ASN24.ru)
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