There are many methods for the disposing of this wastes, like:




-Mixed or hybrid


These methods can use for disposing of these wastes, but the main point is the volume of disposing of not all of the methods can work for the huge or big volume of manure.

The unique method can treat the big volume of poultry manure is the physical by direct high-temperature drying (Incineration), which can treat it's with low consumption & big productivity, the end products are very safe because will be without microorganisms factors & without wet (moisture), can use this end product in several fields like reusing the dry material in Soil fertilization, use it as the material can enter in the animal food production, can use it as a type of sand which can use in the concrete of cement, & others, & can re-use thermal power to produce heat water or/& warming the farms or building.

Some facts about the test:

The wastes wet was 70-80 %

The component of the wastes is a mix (litter or faecal of poultry & straw).

The working temperature is from 300 – 800C (300 to make products 12-14 % wet, for the 1-3% wet, working temp. is 800) this temperature is according to the properties of the end-products need.

The incineration efficiency will be about 3 t/h, or 72 t/d, for the wastes which contain 70-80% wet & the results were about 51 tons was evaporated as steam & the dry remains was about 21 tons.


100 000 hens need about 1600 hectares for the spreading methods of the wastes or manure

100 000 layers of hen flocks, which kept in cages produce wastes more than 12 t/d that mean 4380 t/y

If using 340-400 0C drying system when the input wet of waste about 80% the end product will be 8-14% wet, & then increase the temp. will give less wet in the end products.

The new technologies for the dryer (Incinerator) use secondary chamber & cyclone to remove the smell produced from the drying process & also be environmental clean gas.

Hybrid method

Use the wastes from the hen farms, by making it as a culture for earthworms or any other insects & then entered to the incinerator will be given output rich with dry proteins & minerals products which can use for several fields like (earth fertilizing, reusing in the feed of the fish, poultry & animals, can use also in the concrete & others), also can reuse thermal power to warming the farms or building.





Comparing between the applied methods

The methods


The parameters


Biological (anaerobic)

Spreading methods




Big value

Middle value

Low value

Big value

Waste properties

Any type

Rich with organic and need to preparation

Any type

Any type

Land area

Middle value

Big value

Huge value

Middle value


Middle value

High value

High (land price) value

Middle value


Low value

High value

High value

Middle value


Low hazard

High hazard (contamination or epidemic problem)

High hazard (smells & biological)

Low hazard

End products

Dry, safety & can reuse

Wet, gas, sludge(which need to treat by incineration)

Wet and sludge

Dry rich proteins can reuse

Weather limitation

Can work in any weathr condition

Can work in warm condition(in cold weather need additional energy to produce warming to the equipment)

In hot weather only

Can work in any weather condition

Connect with additional equipment

Can be

Like boiler or turbine

Can not

Can not

Can be like boiler or turbine