Eco-Spectrum pays close attention to the early profiling of schoolchildren, organizing monthly doors open day for everyone who wants to visit the production.

Eco-Spectrum company employs people of different specializations and professions. Schoolchildren can see the internal processes of the company, talk with team members, and ask any questions. We believe that it is necessary to create conditions for effective self-determination of students regarding the profiles they choose even in elementary school.

Schoolchildren visited departments of the company such as:

Sales department, where employees with higher engineering education shared their knowledge, financial and economic department, chemistry and ecology department, marketing department, legal department, quality department, design department, production workshop.

During the excursion the children became convinced that production is not only production sites where people with a working specialization, turners, welders, CNC operators, etc. work but there are also employees with different professions and education, and only working together, allow the company to produce complex technologically innovative product.

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