The tests were carried out on the HURIKAN 200 R incinerator with a wet gas cleaning system, which includes a system of drop traps to prevent liquid droplets with absorbed pollutants from entering the atmosphere. The technological scheme of the thermal complex additionally includes heat exchangers for the possibility of obtaining heat energy and reducing the heat load of the gas purification system, which leads to a lower consumption of irrigation fluid.
Loading of waste and unloading of ash was carried out automatically by a screw conveyor, which makes it possible to achieve full automation of the process of thermal neutralization and disposal. The resulting ash was sent to laboratory tests to determine the hazard class. According to the results of the test incineration, the performance of the HURIKAN 200 R incinerator on this waste mixture and fuel consumption were determined.
The test incineration included the involvement of an independent accredited laboratory to conduct sampling of pollutants from flue gas emissions to control indicators according to ITS BAT 9-2020. Environmental legislation is observed by meeting the requirements of high temperatures in the afterburning chamber and the additional use of wet-type gas cleaning equipment that captures pollutants such as suspended solids, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, heavy metals, as well as preventing the recombination of dioxins and furans by quenching exhaust flue gases.
Video report on incineration: