The company "Eco-Spectrum" LLC conducted research in the field of achieving the requirements of environmental indicators for the protection of atmospheric air (Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" dated 04.05.1999 N 96-FZ) with the involvement of accredited laboratories and the creation of an automated waste management complex: processing, thermal neutralization and disposal of waste with the conversion of products processing on the basis of a chamber incinerator with dry-type gas purification and a rotary incinerator with wet-type gas purification.

Among the well-known gas purification systems, there are no solutions suitable for difficult working conditions: high temperature of the gas being cleaned, variability of the gas composition, high aggressiveness of the medium, active condensation, etc.

The basic model for the creation of the complex was the rotary incinerator H200R. The developed complex includes a compact gas purification unit from suspended solids and gaseous impurities, a post-treatment unit from droplet moisture. According to the results of R & D (testing), the complex has shown its effectiveness. To improve the performance of gas aftertreatment and reduce water losses, the company's design engineers have developed their own solution of the aftertreatment unit (drop catcher), which was implemented in the product.

The efficiency of the drip catcher from ECO-SPECTRUM LLC is achieved due to the fact that it has a special device: it contains a vertical cylindrical body with a conical  part, a tangential inlet pipe located in the upper part of the cylindrical body, an outlet pipe connected by means of a vertical pipe with a space in the center of the body, a drain pipe located in a conical parts, and means of liquid removal. The scientific and technical novelty is that the inlet pipe is made with a slit nozzle, and the means of removing the liquid are made in the form of depressions and are located along the entire length of the inner part of the cylindrical body with access to the inner surface of the conical part of the body.

Due to the implementation of a vertical cylindrical body and a conical lower part of the drop catcher with depressions located along the entire length of the inner part of the cylindrical body and on the inner surface of the conical part of the body, an increase in the degree of cleaning is provided, since according to the Coanda effect, low-pressure zones are created in these depressions, into which the film and liquid droplets are tightened and, under the influence of gravitational forces, are removed from the separation zones without coming into contact with the central part of the vortex gas flow. Moreover, with an increase in the speed of the gas flow, there is no increase in resistance associated with the use of depressions. The peculiarity of the device tangentially located inlet pipe with a slit nozzle allows you to achieve the required speed for the formation of a stable directional gas flow.

Thus, the proposed set of essential features is necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the proposed purpose device and the achievement of the claimed technical result, namely, an increase in the quality of gas aftertreatment up to 30%. The advantages of the developed drop catcher also include the simplicity of the device and its increased reliability.