In order to resolve the current situation, the company proposed to use HURIKAN 5000 Rotary incinerator. It can be used to burn 110 tons of garbage daily and simultaneously produce electricity. It is expected that such a system will be able to generate about 2 MW of electricity. One part of this electricity will be directed to the needs of the project itself, and a significant part will be used to provide light, heat and energy to 5,000 houses in the Gaza Strip.
Representatives of the municipality, government, financial institutions, environmental organizations and other interested parties were invited to the presentation of the company. The workshop was active and interactive and many questions were asked after the presentation. Representative of Eco-Spectrum company, head of the international department Laila Al-Hashlamoun, successfully answered all questions and removed all doubts, giving clarifications on the technical and financial aspects of the project. At the end of the presentation, all interested parties requested to provide them with the feasibility study necessary for further consideration of the proposed project financing.
"We believe that only with a conscious attitude towards the environment and the use of eco-technologies, we will be able to save our planet for future generations. Eco-Spectrum encourages everyone to join efforts to protect the environment and jointly build a cleaner and more sustainable future, because any problem can be solved with the right approach." |