Often, customers contact us with the question of the possibility of destroying production residues - polypropylene. Yes, an ambiguous question, because if we talk about dumping, even European producers of polymeric materials cannot say unequivocally what is better, which is more profitable or which is safer. However, in Russia, the situation with processing is only getting better, but when calculating the processing price and the selling price of a second product, again we come to the conclusion that there is a lot of primary product on the market and its price is lower than the price of the second product received. If we talk about dumping, then the question arises - how many years will this waste (polypropylene) decompose, the answer will be at least 500 years, and what will we leave then to our heritage? Cluttered lands? Therefore, more and more manufacturers resort to solving thermal destruction. This is the right decision. But then the question arises, what do we have when burning polypropylene, do the emissions in the air correspond to the U.C? Eco-Spectrum LLC conducted with the involvement of a mobile laboratory research on emissions of U.C, and with the help of high-tech design – incinerator HURIKAN 150, produced by Eco-Spectrum LLC, even during the initial purification of gas using the afterburner chamber, we received emissions in accordance with the required composition.
So, polypropylene can be crushed into a pellet and sent for reuse or can be re-melted, but there is one "but"! When melting, polypropylene loses its plasticizing properties and, as a result, loses its quality, and when it has already been melted 5-6 times, then you can safely send this product to thermal destruction for complete destruction. That is, it must be borne in mind that during the heat treatment the bond between hydrogen and carbon becomes weaker, therefore, PP cannot be processed an infinite number of times.
It is not only environmentally safe to burn polypropylene, but also beneficial! Virtually zero fuel costs and no hazardous emissions.
Author Devletova Oktyabrina
Eco-Spectrum LLC