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On July 18-19, the 5th specialized Community Forum will be held in Tula. The topic touched on within the framework of this event is especially relevant for modern realities - “Nature and society: how to achieve harmony?”

The event is organized by the Public Chamber of Russia, which means that the problems of the environment and the environment in general will be considered at the government level here. The event will also include a discussion of the Messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly in 2018. In this document, a whole section was devoted to the issues of the country's environmental well-being.

Earlier, V. Putin decided before the government of the country to prepare national projects aimed at improving the environmental situation in the country until 01.10.2018.

The President makes it paramount to solve such problems as:

  • reducing air pollution;
  • improving the quality of drinking water and water resources;
  • restoration of natural areas and the creation of new objects;
  • efficient and safe disposal of garbage, identification and destruction of unauthorized landfills.

All these and a number of other issues will be discussed in the framework of the “Community” forum.

As you can see, the tasks set are really urgent and are the most relevant for our country. I especially want to mention the issue of safe disposal of various types of waste. More and more enterprises and industries are working to improve the environmental situation in the country, preferring to buy cremator , rather than sending waste to landfills. It is worth noting that the manufacturer of this high-tech equipment Eco-Spectrum only contributes to this.


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