And while in Russia the “waste reform” comes into force, the environmental activists are already striking for a flash - the problem of waste disposal remains, and no effective methods have been proposed to solve it, which would be global in nature. One of the most pressing issues requiring immediate intervention is the proper disposal of plastic waste.
This category of unsuitable materials includes:
- waste production of plastic products: such waste is of high quality and subsequently reused in the manufacture of goods;
- industrial waste resulting from the activities of the enterprise: packaging, tires, elements of mechanisms, etc;
- household garbage, which is formed in the course of human life: the widest category of unsuitable materials.
The last two categories are subject to further utilization. And here arises the very question of the effectiveness and environmental safety of the method used. And the modern solution to this problem is offered by the Russian company Eco-Spectrum. The manufacturer is engaged in the development of high-performance equipment for waste disposal. Kremator, it is about this device in question, works on the technology of thermal neutralization of plastic waste and more than 3,000 other types of garbage.
The use of such equipment is the best alternative to solid waste landfills and incinerators. Cremator allows you to quickly destroy large volumes of waste immediately without negative consequences for the environment.