On January 17, Eco-Spectrum made another shipment of the HURIKAN 150 incinerator. (Test tests of such an installation can be found here).
The installation will operate in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (one of our installations is already successfully operating here). At the request of the customer, the incinerator was designed by a modified container, the equipment will operate on diesel fuel. Used a fuel tank of 300 liters.
The incinerator is made by two chambers, the main and secondary. A smoke pipe with a deflector in the amount of two pieces was installed. Three high-performance Italian ECOFLAM burners were used, supplemented by a thermal insulation system and a heated fuel installation.
The vertical loading chamber of the HURIKAN 150 incinerator is made of a powerful monolithic lining of refractory concrete. The gas afterburning chamber is lined with ceramic fiber insulating blocks with refractory spraying of solutions. In contrast to masonry and their analogues, the lining of the gas afterburner developed by Eco-Spectrum LLC excludes heating of the metal body of the afterburner due to fire resistance and high insulating characteristics.
Ash doors for ash cleaning are made according to drawings developed by engineers of the Eco-Spectrum company. A special ash window lock mechanism provides quick operator access to the ash. In this modification, an all-welded bucket of 230 liters was used, a liquid waste supply system was equipped.
The combustion process in the HURIKAN 150 incinerator is controlled by the temperature set by the operator. (video can be seen here) The control panel allows you to control the combustion process, namely, set the temperatures necessary for igniting and maintaining the combustion of waste in the furnace, due to automation, control of consumption, consumption and fuel economy is carried out. The grate system in this incinerator is individually designed by Eco-Spectrum engineers.
These characteristics make the HURIKAN 150 incinerator highly efficient and ready to use in many areas of heat treatment of waste. It can be purchased on lease or installment plan.
You can learn more about this by CALLING THE SALES DEPARTMENT ENGINEER 8 (800) 555-59-12 (Calling Russia is free).